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National Association of Independent Labor

National Association of Independent Labor


RIF DOs and DON’Ts


An agency must use the reduction-in-force regulations, 5 CFR Part 351, before separating or demoting an employee due to organizational reasons such as reorganization, lack of work, shortage of funds, insufficient personnel ceiling, or the exercise of certain reemployment or restoration rights. Virtually all RIF actions result from reorganization. A furlough exceeding 30 calendar days or more than 22 discontinuous workdays is also a RIF action.

The abolishment of a position does not always require the use of RIF procedures. An agency has the right to avoid a RIF action by reassigning an employee to a vacant position at the same grade or pay level.


  • Negotiate with the agency to ensure that a vacant position is offered to affected employees.
  • Ensure the agency has your correct veteran’s status.
  • Ensure the agency has a record of your performance appraisals, especially for DoD employees.
  • Ensure the agency has your correct service computation date.
  • Update your qualifications to reflect your current status relevant to placement rights.
  • Confirm that the agency sets up the correct competitive level and specific retention registers.
  • Evaluate other employees competing with you, including veteran’s preference and retention standing.
  • Check that the retention register is accurately prepared.
  • Verify that the agency correctly relies on all your included service.
  • Join the Union before the RIF is announced.
  • Understand that competitive levels do not require positions to be identical.
  • Request access to the agency’s retention register and related records if you receive a RIF notice.
  • Set the last date for personnel actions as early as possible.
  • Request a copy of the RIF regulations if issued a specific RIF notice.
  • Ensure you are signed up for the Priority Placement Program and Reemployment Priority List.


  • Don’t panic and leave, thinking you’ll lose your job. Retention registers can change at the last minute.

Bonney, Allenberg, O’Reilly & Eddy, P.C.
4854 Haygood Road, Suite 200
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
(757) 460-3477

National Association of Independent Labor

From 2022 to 2025 Elite Members have been awarded $216,228

Award to Employees
Pot of Gold

Current as of 1/20/2025

ELITE Membership is Job Protection ​
$ 0

Proposed Suspension Days Removed


The value is incalculable as these days add to compensation, TSP contributions, and Social Security determination at retirement age.

The National Association of Independent Labor (NAIL)

Your Vision, Our Mission


The National Association of Independent Labor (NAIL) was first chartered in 1999 as an alternative to the affiliated unions.  At the time of NAIL’s conception, the affiliated unions’ priorities seemed to have shifted from providing services to its members to member agendas. NAIL was established to break that mold and be focused entirely on member services. The mission of NAIL is to provide service to its locals, a service which is unsurpassed and unparalleled in any other labor organization.

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Powered by our people

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NAIL’s professional staff of representatives provides assistance to its locals and members in all aspects of federal sector labor/management relations. Whether it be proceedings before the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the Merit Systems Protections Board, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs, the Federal Service Impasses Panel, or an arbitrator, NAIL will be there to provide service to it’s member(s).  All members are assured of the services of a representative, at no charge, for any adverse action and other matters that go to arbitration or an administrative hearing concerning job related matters.

Cool Number

Labor Law

 Legal services are available to all employees, free legal services to NAIL ELITE STATUS members only  

NAIL Benefits

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